Independent Greek Council

The Independent Greek Council (IGC) is an umbrella council for the coalition of Lamar's independent Greek-letter organizations.

IGC Sorority

IGC Advisor

Dr. Freddie Titus

alpha omega epsilon

Alpha Omega Epsilon

Phi Chapter

Nickname: A.O.E.
Founded: November 13, 1983 at Marquette University
Founded at Lamar: November 17, 2007
Motto: “Friendship. Leadership. Professionalism.”
Colors: Royal Blue, Silver, and White
Symbol: Dolphin
Philanthropy: FIRST Robotics
National Website:

History: In the early 1980's, there was a national push to interest women in engineering. The female engineering students at Marquette University, including Little Sisters of both Sigma Phi Delta and Triangle Fraternities, started meeting in hopes of forming an organization to increase the number of women in engineering. They decided to form a sorority, and Alpha Omega Epsilon was founded on November 13, 1983. On March 22, 1984, the Associated Students of Marquette University voted on and approved the constitution, and Alpha Omega Epsilon became a recognized student organization on Marquette University's campus. As a recognized local sorority, Alpha Omega Epsilon was represented at the 1984-85 Panhellenic Conference winning the Presidential office and attaining representatives. The first Alpha Chapter candidate class was initiated in the Fall of 1984 which nearly doubled its membership from the twenty-seven founding members.

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